All personnel handling research animals are required to attend CLAR Orientation and complete the CITI online training modules.
- New personnel and all personnel listed in new and three-year renewal applications for animal use are required to attend CLAR Orientation.
- CLAR Orientation is normally held the third Thursday of each month in Room 205 of the Hugh M. Gloster Building.
- New personnel will not have access to the CLAR Animal Facility until they have attended CLAR Orientation and completed the on-line CITI Training modules. Additionally, your principal investigator (PI) will need to submit a Modification of an Approved Protocol Form, adding new hires to the Personnel section.
- Upon completion of CLAR Orientation and the CITI training modules, all personnel are required to complete and submit documents. Most documents require the signature of your Principal Investigator.
- All individuals to work on a project, including those previously approved by the IACUC, must review the Occupational Health and Safety Program (OHSP) and comply with its provisions.
- All personnel are encouraged to participate in the OHSP.
- All persons intending to work with a protocol must fill out the Health History Questionnaire or decline to do so by completing the declination statement in the OHS HHQ.